Fort Scott Community College, Fort Scott, KS
Media About Parks

Berry, Skip. Gordon Parks: Black Americans of Achievement Series (Chelsea House, 1990)
Bush, Martin H. The Photographs of Gordon Parks (Wichita State UnIversity, 1983)
Donloe, Darlene. Gordon Parks: Melrose Square Black Americans Series (Holloway House Publishing Co, 1992)*
Editors, Life Magazine. Great LIFE Photographers (Bullfinch, 2004)
Halpern, Daniel, ed. Anteus 61: Autumn 1988 (Ecco Press, 1988)
Harnan, Terry. Gordon Parks: Black Photographer & Filmmaker: Americans All (Garrard Pub Co, 1972)*
Parr, Ann. Gordon Parks: No Excuses (Pelican Publishing, 2006)*
Rice, Craig, et al. Half Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon Parks (video) (Home Box Office, 2001)
Schultz, Elizabeth. Dreams Deferred: The Personal Narratives of Four Black Kansans (American Studies 34.2, Fall 1993) pg. 25-52.
Turk, Midge. Gordon Parks (Ty Crowell Co, 1973)*