Fort Scott Community College, Fort Scott, KS
KU Osher Tour Group
Even though the museum was still closed due to the A.C. unit repairs, we had a wonderful time on Friday, July 22 as we were still able to provide a power presentation in the cool air conditioned meeting room just outside of the museum with around (60) KU Osher members.
Celebrating Black History Month Celebration: Film Screening Many Fires This Time: We the 100 Million and Open Mic Event
We had wonderful weekend on Feb 19th & 20th, 2022 with Jason R.A. Foster, actor, filmmaker and photographer and A Scribe Called Quess? Aka Michael “Quess?” Moore, poet, educator, actor, playwright, activist, and organizer. as they helped to host and M.C. an Open Mic Event and also screened their award winning documentary film, Many Fires This Time: We The 100 Million..
We had a great time in early January, 2022 with the Fort Scott Eugene Ware 4th Grade Classes touring the museum while learning more about Gordon Parks while doing a scavenger hunt activity.